cat hacks alternative cat climbing tree
If you have landed on this page then you are seeking a cat hack and cat hacks I love!!
My clients are great at cat hacks and so I would like to share the first one of many. I usually send out a list of cat climbers I love when I start working on a behaviour case, especially when the cats territory needs a bit of TLC. I always offer a variety of cat climbers for different budgets and one of my clients, who loved the HiCat tree, decided to try and mimic the idea but in a cheaper way.
Below you will see a variety of photos showing the hack.
Step 1. Buy 3 cat scratcher barrels. There’s many different choices online.
Step 2. bracket the barrels together
Step 3. Bracket to the wall so it offers the ultimate strength and safety.
Step 4. Watch your cat enjoy climbing their new tree
Always ensure a cat has various options to get down from the top, which can include a shelf next to it to climb onto and then a way to easily get down. Cats get down from high areas by jumping or going down backwards, if a poll. Make it easier for them and they will love you for it.
Got any cat hacks? Please get in touch to feature them on this website.

Anita Kelsey holds a first class honours degree in Feline Behaviour and Psychology (work based BA Hons) and runs a vet referral service dedicated strictly to the diagnosis and treatment of behaviour problems in cats. She is also a qualified cat groomer and specialises in grooming challenging or phobic cats. Anita, a strong advocate of a vegan lifestyle, is based in East Sussex but consults all over the UK as well as international requests. She lives with her husband, a music producer, and 1 Norwegian Forest cat, Kiki.
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Her first book ‘Claws. Confessions Of A Professional Cat Groomer‘ was published by John Blake in 2017 with her second book, Let’s Talk About Cats self published via Amazon worldwide in 2020. The Little Book Of Extraordinary Cats is Anita’s third book out now 2024.