Cat behaviour explained Cats scratch for a variety of reasons: Scent marking Keeping their nails in tip top condition Stretching the muscles in the front paws Natural behaviour hard … Read more about Why do cats scratch furniture
Amazing cats and cat guardians
[two_fifth valign="top" animation="none"] [/two_fifth] [three_fifth_last valign="top" animation="none"] This page is to highlight some of my amazing clients and their journeys with difficult catty situations. No … Read more about Amazing cats and cat guardians
The Importance of a cat tree in the home
Cat trees or cat climbers have a very important role to play in a cat's life. They encourage many major functions, which are invaluable to a cats well-being. The climbing poles double up as scratching posts, allowing … Read more about The Importance of a cat tree in the home
Why is my cat is peeing outside of its litter box
Cats don’t just pee or defecate outside of the litter tray for no reason. Cats are complex creatures sometimes and peeing or defecating can be for numerous reasons such as stress in the home, litter tray or litter … Read more about Why is my cat is peeing outside of its litter box
Finding solutions for the best garden cat proofing
It can be a daunting experience looking at your garden and wondering the best way to cat proof it so that your kitty can go outside. Finding solutions for the best garden cat proofing is easy though so don't … Read more about Finding solutions for the best garden cat proofing
Ideas to catify your home
By Anita Kelsey - Pet Behaviour Counsellor I have two beautiful Norwegian forest cats, one pictured above, and I have started to catify my home to give them some stimulation with climbing and grazing up high. There are … Read more about Ideas to catify your home
Introducing a cat to a baby
Introducing a cat to a baby By Anita Kelsey - Certified animal behaviourist Many cats do not like the boisterous energy of young children and some would choose, rather, to find somewhere quieter away from the noise. … Read more about Introducing a cat to a baby
What is Feline-OCD-feline-compulsive-disorders
Feline-OCD-feline-compulsive-disorders can show itself in many forms in a cat and is mainly caused by stress which can soon turn into a habit when the initial stimuli has been removed. Signs of OCD can be over grooming, … Read more about What is Feline-OCD-feline-compulsive-disorders
6 Reasons why dry food does not clean your cat’s teeth
Subject: DENTAL CARE FOR CATS An article by Anita Kelsey - cat behaviour expert c(2014) I have been working with a client and her two lovely Maine Coons. On my last visit I gave her a wealth of nutritional advice … Read more about 6 Reasons why dry food does not clean your cat’s teeth
The-truth-behind-de-clawing-of-cats Introducing The Paw Project The saddest documentary I watched this year was called The Paw Project. I turned it off after 5 minutes watching footage of crippled leopards and lions … Read more about The-truth-behind-de-clawing-of-cats
cat food bullying
Many of my clients, with two cats, seem to be dealing with the issue of multi cat food bullying and now I have it with my two kittens. Like my clients, I noticed that one kitten was growing far bigger than the other so I … Read more about cat food bullying
Grooming Buddy
I am the only certified cat behaviourist who also grooms cats using low stress techniques drawing on my years of knowledge in handling cats. I work in the cats home so that it is as stress free as possible. If a humans … Read more about Grooming Buddy